View Profile ernest-aka-gooey

62 Movie Reviews

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I love Invader Zim

That was really good. Really good.
I know that it's in the spirit of Zim and all, and I'm not saying it's bad, but it's just the part where GIR was riding Zim was a lot like in Walk for your Lives where GIR takes out the dead puppy or whatever it was.. (that may be the scene I'm thinking of, but I'm not sure.)
Anywho. That was amazing.
I remember at one point I signed up at your site but I just never did anything at all for some reason...


That was just... really good.
It was all just above average. There weren't any spectaculay parts that stood out above the rest, it was ALL just above average. One point I have to say is I loved the voices.

I just want to say three things

1.The scenes where it first introduces the past, present, and future, are awesome. The ones where it has a little picture of yourself during that time, and then it says either past, present, or future.
2.The silhouette of your future self smiling, is awesome.
3.The little note thing at the end of your animation is pretty damned sweet, too.

Like everyone else I'm thunderstruck

I just can't think of anything to say, but I want to say that I love your animations. I just can't think of a good way to say it.
There's just one slight, tiny, problem. At small points, very small points, the music didn't seem to match what was going on. That's the only flaw I could spot... and it was small, as I said.
Ridiculously amazing work. I'd like to know how many hours a day on average you work on an animation like Bitey.
It's pretty amazing how you got a member of the Pogues to make a song for it too.

Jake is awesome.

The characters were amazing. The only thing I didn't really like about it is the character's voices. Some of the sound effects were annoying too. Awesome ideas though, with the smashing at the end. And the pressure to play basketball.

Ok, I don't really want to give a review.

But I just love that: And now he has a big sword.

Ok, ugh

Ugh... I want to say so much about this!
Ok. First of all: It was AMAZING!
The characters were so unbearably cute! Holy shit! It's ridicoulus! DAAHH!
Ok. When I first saw the bear it reminded me of Totoro, you know who Totoro is? I hope you do, Totoro is awesome.
Ok. The speach bubbles were so awesome and... idunno... just awesome.
The sounds. They were pretty awesome, but some of them I didn't really like, like when the bear roared.
Oh, I loved the character's stubby little legs, and the pig was s'awesome.
The music, eh, I wasn't too fond of it.
Ok, I can't think of anything else to say, but I want to say more. ARg! It's so damn frustrating. Oh well, I LOVES IT!


If there's one thing I like, it's a giant squid.
In conclusion to that statement, I must say that that creature that was blocking the door way was amazing!
It's one big eye was perfect, the designs in it made it awesome. The tentacles latching around the door were awesome.
But most of all, the smile. The wide and evil smile filled with teeth. THAT, was amazing.

Anyways, the rest of it. The music seemed a bit too dramatic, just a bit though. Well, not really dramatic I guess, more Lord of the Rings-ish, if you know what I mean.
The creatures, once again, were cool. The action was good.
And once again, I need to say I don't really like the squat alien.

But the squid creature makes up for all I didn't like in it and more.
Oh, and I think you should still make it darker. And re-add subtitles.

Pretty sweet

The voice acting on the scientist was... quiet, couldn't hear what he was saying.
The starting was interesting, don't know how else to put it. I didn't really like the creature that was looking around the corner though.
Great action scene with the three troopers near the start.
I didn't like what the trooper turned into, it didn't look too great. But the shape of it's face and head when it was screaming was perfect, and it's little teeth.
The music suited everything quite well. I liked all of the creature's in the test tube. The "original" creature was cool, but I think it looked too squat and... not agile.
Another thing, maybe it's just because I have Stephen King in my head while I've been watching this series, but when the scientist was talking about how they told the public it was a meteor, but it was really this evil creature thing, really reminded me of his book "It".
Anyways, once again, I need to mention that I think it should be darker, like the colours and all.


"Somewhere in Nevada"... that reminds me of something SO MUCH but I just can't remember what... for some reason Stephen King's The Stand comes to mind, but that's not it at all...
But that was really cool.
I loved the rocket animation.
I didn't really get what was going on with all of the pupils or something when the monster was about to turn the person into a monster, then the breath, was it?
Anywho, you're style is pretty interesting. With all of the characters being slim and such. Most people (from what I can see), when they make "troopers", make them as intense (if you know what I mean) as possible.

Idunno. I do things

Age 33, Male



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